While it does require a bit of vocal training, it takes just minutes and it has an astounding recognition accuracy rate of up to 99% right out of the box. You’ll get more done faster and with less stress and more success. With Dragon Dictate I or any user can produce reports, e-mail, articles, books, research notes, online content, and more with an astonishing level of accuracy.
With Dragon Dictate for Mac, I can input text just by speaking – up to three times faster than typing – using only my voice. However, I talk about a mile a minute.or at least my grandmother used to say so. I type between 65-70 words per minute on average. All that's changed now and thanks to Dragon Dictate for Mac, I've got my MacBook Pro turning cartwheels. However, it's not always easy to do when you have to., and very.exactingly. While it was, at times, wonderful to be able to give my arthritic hands a break from the amount of typing I do, its performance issues often prevented the creative process from really flowing the way it should have. I remember using IBM's ViaVoice on my Windows XP powered PC back in 1997. I've been a big supporter of, 'you talk, it types' for over 10 years.